A Police Constable who has served almost 20 years in the force speaks out against the way in which officers around the country are being used to enforce nonsensical, arbitrary rules on innocent members of the public.

In an open letter, Bobby Copper (not his real name) states that he challenges directions being given by the government. He believes that people’s rights are being eroded and that lives are being irreparably damaged by unnecessarily harsh lockdowns.
“There is no justification for it. The figures are off and the science is questionable. The government are only taking the advice of the SAGE scientists, they are not listening to the other scientists and doctors. Deaths are being falsely attributed to Covid-19, no autopsies are being done and we’re not allowed to ask questions. It stinks.”
Bobby refers to his local force: “I can’t believe everybody is going along with it. It’s blind obedience. They follow the rules because they want to keep their jobs and pensions. Seasoned investigators used to logical facts and figures are not asking questions, they’re just buying the official line and keeping quiet. I’m told not to stir the pot but we are being asked to do things that impose on human rights. Current guidelines allow us to detain someone just for having a cough. You can bulldoze someone’s house if you have reasonable suspicion to believe there is a pathogen present. This is all covered by the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 and ‘reasonable suspicion’ covers a lot.
There are police officers whose friends and families are flouting lockdown rules while they hand out fines to members of the public. It’s hypocrisy. We release convicted criminals from prison because there is a Covid outbreak but arrest a woman because she’s taken her mother out of a care home. Another lady was arrested in a very undignified manner for protesting peacefully outside Parliament. These people aren’t criminals and there is no need for the police to get involved. This isn’t about a deadly pathogen, it’s about control.”
Bobby mentions Bristol tattoo shop owner, Aron Walton, who was repeatedly harassed by police for breaking lockdown regulations: “They aggravated the situation. They went in there, busted his locks and seized all his equipment so he can’t work and earn a living. They had nothing to get him on and they knew that. The only thing they could arrest him for was breach of the peace and they were responsible for that, not him. He was arrested and sat in the back of a van, educating the police on common law and rights. He was released without charge two hours later.”
In his letter, Bobby speaks of ‘Project Fear’ and asks for public scrutiny of true evidence: ‘Facts are delivered by biased agents who profiteer from Big Pharma. Tory party members are on the boards of pharmaceutical companies and stand to make a lot of money from this pandemic’. “They’re all in it together and this is all engineered. Anyone who has a different narrative is silenced. It is difficult to speak out.”

This is why Bobby wants to use his voice. Inspired by Cops for Covid Truth in New South Wales, Australia, he is seeking solidarity with other members of the force and wants them to start asking questions, too. Support is building and he has written a letter asking police officers and members of the public to sign and send copies of the letter to Police Commissioners in regional forces and to the Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Martin Hewitt.
Bobby believes that people should be able to make their own choices but adds: “They allow us to make our own choices then turn the public against each other. This is abusive: ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, making everyone reliant on the state. Universal Credit, Social Credit — making good slaves and eradicating free will. People are queuing up to hand over their rights and their minds.
Government Psychologists are playing chess and they have the moves planned way ahead. social media plays a part. We are in a war. I can see the bigger picture and it’s very disheartening. We have been put into boxes. We need to raise our consciousness. People don’t want to know the truth and it’s causing a divide. The good little citizens are sleepwalking into a dystopian nightmare.
Early in my career I was told that you can’t change the system but the system is broken. The government is making these impositions in our lives and it is unjust. I don’t believe what they’re doing is legal at all. I’m looking into Common Law. I’ve heard people want to set up a Common Law police force. I’d like to get involved, it’s a great idea.”
Bobby asks fellow officers to refuse to enforce human rights violations and invites them to write letters to Regional Chief Constables and Priti Patel at the Home Office. “Tell them you don’t agree with it and take a stand. Read your Oath and remember the principles of Common Law: no harm, no loss, no damage to man, woman, or property. Trust your gut. My gut tells me there is something not right. We have been lied to on a massive scale.”

Bobby's Open Letter
My Police Oath and Declaration of Service is to serve the Queen and public with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality; upholding fundamental rights, protecting life and property whilst giving equal respect to all people. Our police forces protect us and many are good, honest and caring individuals who are doing their best to keep our communities safe.
Some police officers, police staff and members of the community may share my concerns: concerns about what the police are being asked to do; concerns about oppressive government rule and their part enforcing this Coronavirus Act and lockdown measures. They see the erosion of trust occurring, human liberties and freedoms being removed from their family, friends and communities in which they live.
As a Police Constable and a member of our community, I challenge the directions being given by this government. I do not simply wish to acquiesce in this process and wish to restore community trust and a return to normalcy. This is, after all, a free democratic society and the people in the UK are demanding the truth, transparency and accountability from our government.
Every day the media is broadcasting death, uncontrollable cases and spikes of Covid-19. This negative reinforcement dominates our thoughts, conversations and lives.
“Project Fear is now on steroids” says D.U.P. MP, Sammy Wilson. It imposes the feeling of imminent threat, harm, stress and anxiety. Subjects are suppressed, more compliant, easier to subjugate, and they acquiesce to regulations without question. A true example of coercive and controlling behaviour.
We all witness disproportionate cycles of harsh lockdowns; restrictive tier levels have not worked in the last nine months. The virus is still present and has not dissolved, unlike our economy. However, if we behave, we can look forward to Christmas with our families as long as the windows remain open. To compensate, the New Year will bring further dehumanising lockdowns.
It is said that the definition of insanity is to repeat the mistakes of the past, expecting a different result.
These are questionable tactics, aided by failed computer modelling and delivered by biased agents who profiteer from Big Pharma. The true evidence must be reviewed thoroughly and publicly scrutinised to ensure proper process is adhered to. The preservation of our physical and mental health, while upholding our sovereignty, freedoms and basic human rights is paramount. Parliament, MPs, and the public have demanded more transparency and honesty in the sharing of the data.
“The modelling advice with costs benefit analysis reports and economic impact statements should have been provided and in the public domain. As yet, it has not been produced.” - MP Con, Sir Charles Walker.
The education and future prospects of our children have been diminished. The livelihoods of millions of people hang in the balance. We have the highest levels of poverty in decades. Families are denied visits with their loved ones in hospitals and care homes. We cannot comfort dying relatives. Children’s suicide rates are up 40% with GP referral rates for cardio, gastro and renal down 66%, 64% and 57% respectively. Cancer screenings, other diagnostic testing, and planned surgeries are delayed or cancelled, adding to the growing number of unintended health consequences of these restrictions (NHS F.O.I. request).
We are experiencing a complete dismantling of our economy, causing a £400 billion debt crisis, increases in taxes and inflation, and depletion of pension funds. Knowing that our children will be paying the price in decades to come is difficult to comprehend.
Our lives are not valued anymore, despite the mortality rate for the virus being less than 1% (NHS freedom of information request). Surely as human beings we cannot afford to keep making the same mistakes again.
Central to the government response is the enforcement of these restrictions. Our police forces have been propelled into unprecedented circumstances and demanded to enforce arbitrary rules in the name of health and wellbeing.
Citizens have been squeezed by the powerful hand of the state with the police being used as enforcers.
Public distrust in government and police is increasing as suspicions grow around their intentions. People are questioning agendas, corporate influence, and nepotism. Social media reports large gatherings of concerned citizens in cities across the UK. Tensions and conflict between the public and the police will surely increase as shown in numerous countries in Europe, America, Canada and Australia. I imagine this will get worse when furlough ends and people try to return to jobs that no longer exist.
The Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, has not ruled out mandatory vaccines for all. Some people strongly oppose this infringement of bodily autonomy. Will the UK police chiefs insist that police officers, staff, and the public within their constabulary are vaccinated? Furthermore, will the police be utilised along with the armed forces to enforce this vaccine uptake and endorse vaccine passports so that citizens can gain their civil liberties back? If so, this measure will be wholly unacceptable, discriminatory, and against our human rights.
Please stop enforcing ANY restrictions and/or assisting agencies such as Public Health England and local councils.
If you agree and no longer wish your constabulary to enforce these rules then I invite you - all police officers regardless of rank; PCSOs, police staff, special constables, civilian staff, volunteers and any member of the public in this great country of ours to endorse this letter with your name and signature. Please print, sign and post, or email to:
Mr Martin Hewitt, Chairman, National Police Chiefs’ Council
c/o: press.office@NPCC.Pnn.police.uk
National Police Chiefs’ Council
1st Floor, 10 Victoria Street,
Priti Patel, Home Secretary
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
And to your local Chief Constables and Police Commissioners.
As always, it’s best to do your own research. Take a look at the following sources of information: -
Professor Karol Sikora – University of Buckingham
Dr Roger Hopkinson
Dr Ekje de Klerk
Dr Zoe Harcombe
The Great Barrington Declaration – search: gbdeclaration.org
658,614 citizen signatures,
12,350 Medical and public health scientist signatures,
36,327 medical practitioner signatures.
Talk Radio (Julia Hartley-Brewer, Mike Graham)
UK Column
The Light ‘A Truth Paper’ www.thelightpaper.co.uk
Keep Britain Free (Simon Dolan)
Follow 'Bobby' on Instagram: police4covidtruthuk
(c) Louize Small - 'One Little Warrior' - December 2020
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