Polio is one of the most misunderstood, misdiagnosed illnesses in history. Symptoms vary wildly from none to fever, vomiting, bowel irritation, back pain, neck stiffness, problems with swallowing and breathing, paralysis, and death.
The term ‘poliomyelitis’ is a description of spinal pathology: an inflammation of the grey marrow (polio muelos) of the brain stem and spinal cord.
Current NHS information describes polio as a ‘serious infection' that most people won’t even know they have.
Some sources claim polio is a vaccine-induced illness and others believe it is caused by heavy metals and toxic chemicals.
The reigning consensus is that poliovirus is an enterovirus that is activated in the human gut; the medical mainstream maintain that it is a dangerous pathogen spread by infected faecal matter or pharyngeal secretions but others disagree, such as Dr Suzanne Humphries, who explains in her book, Dissolving Illusions, that it is a naturally occurring common bowel irritant that existed for millennia before it began crippling people. Which begs the question: what changed?
It was either here all along or it wasn’t, which means either we co-existed peacefully with 'the virus' for a while before something changed, or that it is a new thing - a man-made creation, perhaps.
Depictions of withered limbs and children walking with canes have been found on ancient Egyptian artefacts and experts say this is proof that polio has existed since early times, but they are simply depictions of withered limbs and children walking with canes, not hard evidence of an endemic paralytic virus.
The first modern clinical record of polio is said to be British physician Michael Underwood’s reference to ‘debility of the lower extremities’ in children in 1789, but there is no mention of accompanying flu-like or gastro-intestinal symptoms, which means it doesn’t fit the modern-day definition of polio.
Orthopaedist Jacob Heine began a major study of ‘infantile spinal paralysis’ in 1840 and theorised that it was caused by inflammation of the anterior horns of the spinal cord as a result of an infection that was present around the time of teething.
Neurologist Jean Landry noted three types of 'ascending paralysis’ accompanied by flu-like symptoms in adults In 1859. Though he gave up his research to help in a hydrotherapeutic sanatorium, there was much interest in his work and some of his cases were later reviewed and reclassified as acute polyneuritis.
German physician Adolf Kussmaul named the disease poliomyelitis in 1874 and it was called ‘acute anterior poliomyelitis’ by Wilhelm Heinrich Erb in 1875, by which time, outbreaks had started to occur.
Regional patterns of disease led physicians to believe that polio was contagious but it was an unproven assumption.
Early cases of paralysis were few and far between. There were allegedly small outbreaks in Norway and Sweden in the late 1800s but there is not much information available about them.
1894 — When the paralysis happened in Vermont, U.S.A., it had seemingly merged with seasonal colds and summer diarrhoea.
Doctors disagreed about the nature and cause of the illness, but they all observed that it mostly affected children, with boys being affected more frequently and severely than girls.
During the Industrial Revolution, young boys were often forced to work in factories and in dangerous and unsanitary conditions, as chimney sweeps, in textile mills (with poisonous dyes and other chemicals), and down metal (lead, cadmium, arsenic, zinc) and coal mines.
Gilders, chemists, and miners all suffered paralysis.
One possible contributing factor to a seemingly contagious neurological illness is pesticide usage, which is implicated in other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.
Polio incidence and pesticide usage in the U.S. closely correlate; if you plot them on a graph, they follow similar lines:

What came to be known as polio was once referred to as ‘summer diarrhoea’ because local outbreaks occurred after crop spraying had taken place in the spring. Children played in contaminated soils and ate unwashed fruit; their parents reported finding them paralysed in apple orchards.
Doctors noted that symptoms of polio resembled food poisoning.

High consumption of sugary foods in the summer lowered immunity by suppressing white blood cell activity, creating the perfect environment for toxic pesticides to interact with viruses in the gut and cause illness.
Poor diet increased susceptibility to poliovirus infection – especially a diet full of refined sugar, white flour, and processed foods, which were introduced to the public during the Industrial Revolution, around the time that polio began to emerge...
Pesticide use skyrocketed.
Most pesticides contained toxic heavy metals such as lead and arsenic.
Lead and arsenic bind tightly to soil and do not deteriorate; they remain within the first 12-18 inches of topsoil for generations and contaminate waterways.
Redevelopment of former rural sites without proper clearance of toxic soil has the potential to poison whole areas of people.

Crops were heavily sprayed with pesticides that were designed to attack the nervous systems of insects — unfortunately they had the same effect on humans, having been inhaled and absorbed through the skin and oral cavity, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, brain dysfunction, and bone malformation – all of which are common symptoms of heavy metal poisoning and polio.
Heavy metals were present in everyday products in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. Arsenic was used in synthetic dyes and syphilis treatments; mercury was used in teething powders, dental fillings, and medical preparations.
Lead, arsenic, and mercury are neurotoxic environmental poisons - all are fat-soluble and can therefore be absorbed into fatty areas of the body such as the brain, spinal cord, and nerve sheaths.
Heavy metals can cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in brain tissues, which can affect regions critical for neurodevelopment.
Polio, acute paralysis, and summer diarrhoea tended to affect young children more than any other demographic.
A study of 2,000 case histories carried out by Harvard Infantile Paralysis Commission concluded that tonsillectomies (introduced in 1909 and carried out routinely as a preventative measure) provoked respiratory paralysis due to bulbar polio. This was known at the time because authorities prohibited removal of tonsils and adenoids during epidemics. Bulbar polio was the type that required use of an iron lung and had the highest death rate.
The case fatality rate in the early 1900s was very high.
1907 — Simon Flexner began researching polio at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research following an outbreak in the U.S..
1908 — Karl Landsteiner and Erwin Popper ‘reproduced’ poliomyelitis, but their method was absurd. They took the spinal fluid of a boy who had died from acute poliomyelitis and introduced it into the peritoneal cavity of a monkey. They reproduced the paralysis and 'pathologic-anatomic changes associated with acute poliomyelitis' (Wickman, 1913), but their experiment, and thus their claim, cannot be considered a fair representation of anything that would happen naturally.
1912 — England and Wales made polio a notifiable disease in 1912 and it was endemic from then on.
The New York epidemic of 1916 (Brooklyn, Italian Quarter) saw patients experimented on with spinal injections of disinfectant and adrenaline. Roughly half of those treated died and were recorded as polio deaths. This epidemic had a high mortality rate (20%) and saw drastic measures taken to try to stop the spread.
It was reported as an epidemic of 'infantile paralysis' and considered to be a disease of poor children. The Department of Health carried out strict inspections of every home. Children showing signs of illness were removed from their family homes and held in special quarantine hospitals, often against their parents' wishes. The mere suspicion of an infection was enough to warrant authorities removing the child. Some parents hid their children or sent them to live with relatives so that they couldn't be taken by authorities. Immigrants were blamed. Pets were removed or killed. Houses were emptied, fumigated, and boarded up -- the residents, evicted and moved elsewhere. This would eventually prove to be a 'slum' clearance, as many of the houses were demolished to make way for a new, more upscale district.
Did they want to get rid of the slums? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1916_Zoning_Resolution
1939 — A new pesticide—DDT, ‘the killer of killers’—was introduced just as WW2 began. It is a cumulative poison and can be absorbed through the skin and mucosa. People were led to believe it was good for them and used it liberally, even spraying it on their children’s lunches. Governments started to ban DDT in the early 1950s but the damage was done. The UK outlawed it in 1986 and it was banned worldwide in 2001, though it continues to be used in areas with high malaria incidence.
Polio didn't reach epidemic proportions in the U.K. until 1947.
Polio epidemics peaked in the 1940s and 50s and physicians began to notice a correlation between certain medical interventions and polio paralysis. Children treated for congenital syphilis with arsenic-based Salvarsan, for example, often developed paralysis in their injected limbs.
Cases of polio rose in line with the expansion of vaccination programmes for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus.
The diphtheria vaccine was introduced in the UK in 1942 and was noted for its adverse effects. The British Medical Association published news on the 10th of April 1950 that the diphtheria vaccine was responsible for childhood paralysis attributed to polio.
A doctor at Guy’s Hospital in London found that 80 children developed paralysis within a month of receiving the shots; a health ministry doctor reported that another 65 children had developed paralysis within a fortnight; the St. Pancras medical officer found 40 more cases. Some children recovered from the paralysis but others were still paralysed 18 months after onset. Two of the cases followed injection of penicillin.
Anne McLaren, writing for Cambridge University Press in 1957, stated:
“It is now well established that intramuscular inoculation with combined diphtheria-pertussis prophylactics can affect the course of poliomyelitic infection in children. Localisation of paralysis in the limb injected with vaccines was reported by McCloskey, Martin, Geffen, Hill & Knowelden, and Benjamin in 1950.”
In 1951, Dr Ralph Scobey and Dr Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress that the paralysis around the country known as ‘polio’ was being caused by industrial poisons, and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties.
The first polio vaccine, created by Jonas Salk in 1955, caused a great deal of controversy. The ‘Cutter Incident’ happened when 120,000 children were injected with a live virus instead of a weakened one: 40,000 developed polio, 200 were paralysed, and ten died. When the immunisation program was eventually rolled out to the public, a different, untested, rapidly approved formula was used.
Salk later admitted that live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis might produce the diseases they intended to prevent (Science, 4th March 1977).
Paralytic polio increased by 170% after the jab ('57 to '59).
Non-paralytic polio decreased.
Only after the vaccine was introduced was there any effort to distinguish polio from other types of paralytic disease.
The diagnostic criteria for polio were very loose prior to trials for the vaccine in 1954.
Prior to 1954 any doctor who diagnosed paralytic polio was helping his patient get hospitalisation costs subsidised.
Everyone followed WHO criteria, which were:
Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis: signs and symptoms of non-paralytic poliomyelitis with the addition of partial or complete paralysis of one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations, at least 24 hours apart.
Laboratory confirmation and residual paralysis was NOT required.
In 1955 the criteria were changed to conform more closely to the definition used in the 1954 field trials: residual paralysis was determined 10-20 days after onset and again 50-70 days after onset.
If residual paralysis was not present 60 days after onset then the case was not considered paralytic polio.
Dr. Bernard Greenberg, a biostatistics expert, said that this meant doctors began reporting a new disease after 1955: ‘paralytic polio with a longer lasting paralysis’.

The reduction in cases after the vaccine rollout was a statistical artefact.
Simple, timely changes to diagnostic criteria meant the number of paralytic cases dropped irrespective of the vaccine programme.
In 1956, the American Medical Association ordered that doctors could no longer diagnose paralysis as polio – it had to be called ‘acute flaccid paralysis’. This reduced polio statistics dramatically and gave the appearance that the vaccine programme had succeeded, when really the definition of the disease had just changed.
'Doctors were paid to diagnose anyone with a limp with polio and the incentives stopped once the vaccinations were rolled out.' (Jon Rappoport, AIDS, Inc.)
Doctors refrained from making polio diagnoses and reverted to diagnosing Coxsackie virus, echovirus, and aseptic meningitis.
Laboratory testing for polio wasn’t introduced until 1958. Before then, all manner of other diseases with similar pathologies could have been diagnosed as polio, including other enteroviruses, lead-, arsenic-, and DDT- poisoning, Guillain-Barré syndrome, transverse myelitis, post-polio syndrome, viral or aseptic meningitis, traumatic neuritis, and Reye’s syndrome.
It is claimed that the polio vaccine eradicated polio, but the truth is that cases plummeted before introduction of the vaccine and did so because of changes in pesticide use, elimination of toxic metals in everyday products, improved diets and sanitary behaviour, and of course, timely redefinition of the disease.
There is no convincing evidence of polio as a contagious viral disease.
So-called naturally occurring polio is all but obsolete in the modern world and it didn't disappear because of a vaccine. The only ‘polio’ we see nowadays is vaccine-induced, courtesy of immunisation programmes run by the World Health Organisation.

There has been a huge rise in vaccine-induced polio paralysis in India. In 2011 there were an 'extra' 47,000 cases, which were directly proportionate to the amount of oral vaccines administered. In 2018 a vaccine tainted with eradicated type-2 polio was given to children in Uttar Pradesh. The country remains vulnerable to polio due to its continued use of DDT.
Research scientist Viera Scheibner says that modern day vaccine advocates have forgotten the ‘polio provocation’ of the past. She believes that vaccines represent an assault on the immune system.
Vaccines were not needed to combat polio. Dr Fred Klenner published results of a study that used intravenous vitamin c to cure polio and other viral diseases 76 years ago — six years before the vaccine was introduced. With a success rate of 100%, we have to wonder why this simple, non-toxic, affordable cure was overlooked and ignored by the mainstream medical establishment.Why is it still ignored?
The answer may lie in the criminal deceptions peddled by medical-industrial-pharmaceutical cartels that control the narrative of disease in order to sustain their gravy train of ill-gotten gain. A customer cured is a customer lost and there is no profit to be made from a healthy population.
Treating symptoms will keep you busy for years and guarantee perpetual profit.
© Louize Small, March 2022
Updated January 2025
All Rights Reserved.
Further reading: -
The Lancet – Polio provocation: solving a mystery with the help of history:
NCBI – Before the Vaccines: Medical Treatments of Acute Paralysis in the 1916 New York Epidemic of Poliomyelitis:
Viera Scheibner – Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows That Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System:
Suzanne Humphries – Dissolving Illusions:
The Weston A. Price Foundation – Pesticides and Polio: A Critique of Scientific Literature by Jim West:
A collection of articles and sources:
BMA news article, 1950 – diphtheria vaccine:
Anne McLaren – The Effect of Vaccines and Other Substances Upon the Course of Neurotropic Virus Infection (1957):
Fred Klenner – The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases With Vitamin C (1949):
Landsteiner & Popper:
Parkinson’s disease and pesticide use:
The Contagion Myth, Tom Cowan: https://www.foyles.co.uk/reviews/the-contagion-myth/thomas-s-cowan/9781510764620/1